Chapter 31 Relying on Her Strength_1

The ear-piercing screams nearly ruptured everyone's eardrums, scaring the chickens and dogs all over the yard! The wild rabbit burst out from Su He'er's arms.

Everyone present was scared out of their wits!

They subconsciously steered clear of the danger.

The numerous members of the Su family that had originally gathered outside the house walked hurriedly out of the various rooms in the courtyard upon hearing the terrible screams. They converged at the entrance of the kitchen.

"What's happening? Has something big happened?"

Curious, everyone craned their necks to get a better look.

Su He'er was already scared into falling to the ground with her legs buckling under her. A suspicious yellow-brown puddle was spreading between her legs. Her face was as white as a ghost, her eyes wide open. She was pointing at the basket backpack, unable to utter a single word.

As everyone hurriedly looked over, they saw a long, blood-red tongue shoot out of the basket backpack with a "swoosh".