Chapter 38 Dividing the Family_1

In the midday on the shady boulevard, Su Pan'er was strolling leisurely.

Where she looked, it was a tranquil world.

In the background, the water in the stream murmured, birds in the woods chirped, a clear spring trickled like a piano playing, and plants were stretching splendidly in the light. Everything was so peaceful and harmonious.

Qin Yi, however, was full of worry, looking hesitant to speak.

He couldn't help himself after a moment, he quickened his pace to catch up: "Pan'er, about those people earlier, they... how did..."

"Them? Oh, you mean Uncle Xiao and his group?"

Su Pan'er reacted and dismissed it with a wave: "It's nothing, I just helped them a little in the past, and they insisted on giving me so much. I'm a bit torn... sigh!"

She shook her head repeatedly, knowing everyone's life was hard, she felt guilty taking those things from them!

A corner of Qin Yi's mouth twitched involuntarily, was it really that simple?