Chapter 40: How to Divide?_1

"Shut up! Keep fighting and I'll cut off your tongues!"

Su Pan'er threatened.

Frightened, Qín Wan'er covered her mouth with her good hand and shook her head frantically, tears flying out of her frightened eyes.

She was terrified!

The place was a mess! Hearing the noise, the Qin family members also gradually crowded at the opened main room's doorway. The only one who squeezed in from the crowd was Qin Yu, looking as if he wanted to speak but then hesitated.

Seeing the situation getting out of control, it was becoming unbearable. Without dividing the family, living would be awfully unbearable! Old Qin looked at the crowd with mixed feelings and helplessly said, "Fine, you, the third's family, just stop frightening Wan'er since she's just a kid. You wanted to divide the house, right? Let's do it then!"

At those words, people from inside and outside the house were agog!

The word "divide" gave everybody such a great shock!