Chapter 79: Holding Up a Sky for You!_1

"What? You want to divorce me?"

Mrs. Qin-Li, who had remained silent, was now stirred by these words from Old Man Qin!

Immediately, she rushed at Old Man Qin, scratching his face with her fingernails: "You shameless scum! Now you have grown some guts to divorce me after all these years! I worked a lifetime for you bearing children and managing the household! Now that I'm old, you want to disembark, I don't want to live anymore…"

Crying, making a fuss, and threatening suicide, Mrs. Qin-Li employed all her survival instincts.

Noting Mrs. Qin-Li gaining momentum with her outburst, Old Man Qin flexed his muscles and flung her far away.

"Always arguing and causing a ruckus, I've had enough!"

Old Man Qin was increasingly enraged to the point where he turned around and shouted, "Third son, bring me paper and brush, I'll divorce this woman today! Elder son, bring the Clan Leader here quickly. I want to see how she'll resist this!"

Inviting the Clan Leader?