Chapter 125 Four Mistakes_1

Clearly, this is a case of bringing up a bane to one's existence!

The village chief's face turned pale!

He wished he could straddle forward and slap her twice!

Throw her on the ground so hard that she wouldn't be able to get up!

Subconsciously, he turned his head and saw the peculiar looks of Qin Yi and Su Pan'er. His face immediately turned ashen.

This lowly woman, usually looking quite clever, was poking the hornet's nest at this crucial moment!

He had been willing to be lenient for the sake of her husband, and yet she had the audacity to cause trouble!

All of a sudden, he erupted in anger.

"How outrageous! I always adjudicate cases fairly and strictly without bias! You cheeky woman, even at this juncture, still spouting nonsense. I want... I want... a tough slap across the face! Hit her! Again! A harsh hit until she stops talking shit!"

The village administrator did not dare to neglect and swung his hand faster and faster. The clear and harsh sounds of slaps echoed.