Chapter 147 The Toothless Paper Tiger!_1

His sleeve extended again, gently wiping her other cheek, "This large iron pot has a layer of iron dust on it. You wouldn't have been able to carry it without getting some on yourself."

That gentle smile accompanied by his magnetic voice, somewhat husky, implicitly charming.

Each word tenderly spoken from his thin lips.

She could feel her heart flutter intensely.

"Are you, are you okay?"

It felt like something was stuck in her throat. When Su Pan'er spoke, she noticed her voice had grown hoarse.

She hurriedly took a few steps back.

She nearly tripped and fell, to her shock Qin Yi swiftly grasped her arm.

A series of hearty laughter burst from his mouth, causing Su Pan'er's face to turn beet red, even down to her earlobes!

"What's so funny? It was just a little trip! Laugh again, and I'll knock your teeth out! Hey!"

She gestured threateningly at him with her fist.

A toothless paper tiger!

Qin Yi wasn't scared at all, on the contrary, he was even more amused!