Chapter 192 Feed the Dog! _1


Su Pan'er seemed to remember something, swiftly moved to the front of one of the men in black, a cold smirk breaking out from the corners of her lips.

"What are you trying to do?"

The man in black trembled all over.

Suddenly remembering something, she exclaimed, "Didn't I say I'd feed your junk to the dogs?"

A cold light flickered in Su Pan'er's eyes and with a flick of her wrist, her sword swooped down.


The man's shriek was so sharp that it made one's teeth tingle. He shot up, his eyes bulging, his face contorted beyond recognition.

Did he think this was over?

Snorting, Su Pan'er said, "You have reaped what you've sown. I told you before, I am going to feed your despicable organ to the dogs!"

And with that, she flicked something off her sword.

And as it flew, it soared far away and disappeared into the swamp.