Chapter 226 Dark and Windy Night_1

The street was bustling, filled with a constant stream of people brushing past each other. The clamor and noise was lively and extraordinary.

This made Su Pan'er sigh in admiration, what a vivid embodiment of the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival!

Alas, observing the street from a moving carriage was akin to a fleeting glimpse.

In the midst of Su Pan'er's admiration, they arrived at the Lui Family's Mansion.

The mansion extended over a large area, and as far as the eye could see, it seemed as if this entire street ended with the high walls and red tiles of the mansion. Two majestic stone lions were placed on each side of the entrance, which was a red gate. A plaque hung on the main gate, bearing the characters "Lui Mansion" inscribed in a grand, flowing script.

Lui Muyi had been waiting in front of the mansion's main gate. Upon seeing their carriage stop, he hurriedly came to greet them.