Chapter 234 Golden and Silver Nests are Not as Good as One's Own Doghouse_1

Fourth Uncle Su leapt onto a large stone at the entrance of the village, loudly proclaiming, "Let me tell you, there's absolutely no truth to it! When our foolish girl went to the county city this time, not only was she declared innocent on the spot, but the person who falsely accused her was also fined silver."

A collective realization dawned upon the villagers.

"Oh? It turned out to be this way. Fourth Uncle Su, do keep telling us! What exactly happened here?"

The crowd spurred him on.

Seeing that he had gained everyone's attention, Fourth Uncle Su was delighted and broke into a hearty laugh.

"To be honest, the stuff in the carriage earlier was all awarded by the County Magistrate!"

Fourth Uncle Su started boasting without a second thought, "I'll tell you what! My foolish girl and my good son-in-law stayed in the house of the County Magistrate last night. They..."

Behind him, Fourth Uncle Su's endless blabbering continued.