Chapter 256: Why can't you stand others being good?_1

"What? Something like this happened?"

Su Pan'er's volume suddenly went up by eight degrees, her face full of anger.

No wonder Qin Yueshi was hesitating previously. She probably also wanted to discuss Qin Yi's matter, but didn't end up saying anything at all.

"Qin Yi and Su Yue'er were rolling on a hillside, this is impossible! Qin Yi has always been busy, how could he possibly have any association with Su Yue'er who's far away in the county city. It's impossible, absolutely impossible! Unless..."

Su Pan'er suddenly remembered something.

"Unless what?"

Mrs. Su-Hua stood up anxiously.

"Mother, do you still remember the Qingming Festival? That incident..."

"Are you bringing up that episode? Of course, I remember, didn't you guys roll down the hill during that time?"

"No, it was Su Yue'er who deliberately bumped into my load, and then she pulled Qin Yi to roll down the hillside. At that time, apart from me and Qin Yi, there were a few of Su family cousins present."