Chapter 273: Punishment_1

What a blind fool I've been!

Previously, I considered her nothing but a fiery beauty, a lamb I could eat up whenever I so wished.

I could never have imagined, that, she's actually the sister of the county magistrate!

This is not a lamb at all, it's a wolf in sheep's clothing!

Oh, dear!

Looking at the bloodstain on his son's mouth, the village chief's lips twitch uncontrollably.

Just as he was about to speak, Jun Ruoxue's gaze swept towards him, "And you too! You old fool, you are no better yourself! Slap yourself ten times, make sure I can hear them!"

The village chief shivered from head to toe, no longer daring to plead for his son.

Slap slap slap!

The sound of slaps echoed through the house, before long, the village chief and his son's cheeks swelled up like pig heads. They knelt, swaying side to side, almost unable to hold themselves up.