Chapter 290: Pros and Cons_1

Seeing Su Pan'er in such a serious manner, Jun Ruochen had a gut feeling that what she was about to bring up was not going to be good news.

He glanced at the Hua County Official and Deputy County Magistrate Su, unable to resist leaning forward slightly.

The arrow was already on the string, and he couldn't back down now.

"What is it? Speak up."

"So, even you take things so cautiously?" Su Pan'er suddenly chuckled.

Jun Ruochen, however, broke out into hearty laughter.

"Your attempts at provocation don't work on me! If the matter concerns me personally, I have no problem obliging. But if it's related to the Imperial Court, I really can't afford to agree."

What a pity! The fish refused to take the bait.

"My Lord County Magistrate is indeed right. This matter involves lives and is not to be taken lightly."

The relaxed expression on Jun Ruochen's face disappeared.

"Doctor Su still hasn't mentioned what she's requesting."

"It's quite simple. It's about epidemic disease control."