Chapter 292: The Inner Heart Turmoil of the Village Chief_1

For most of the day, Su Pan'er had been ceaselessly providing vaccinations. By the time the afternoon came to an end, she hadn't even taken a sip of water.

Looking up, she saw that night had completely fallen, and the crowd that had gathered outside her clinic hadn't lessened, but had instead continued to grow.

Even though Jun Ruochen had dispatched some government employees early in the afternoon to help maintain order, the crowd arriving to be vaccinated was more congested than ever.

Seeing more and more people joining the line, Jun Ruochen hurriedly instructed the government employees at his side.

"Everyone please calm down, let's quiet down for a moment!"

A government employee stepped forward and loudly addressed the crowd: "Fellow villagers, it's getting late. Those who haven't been given the cowpox vaccine yet can come back early tomorrow. Everyone please do not push or shove, we guarantee that Doctor Su will vaccinate everyone."