Chapter 327: Counteracting the Plot_1

She chuckled lightly, "You must admit, Miss Jun, a character from Capital City, has seen much and has extensive knowledge. Her taste is extraordinary! Compared to her, us small folks from the countryside are truly not in the same league. This house is decorated so elegantly and grandly, it is indeed enviable..."

Her footsteps suddenly faltered, accidentally kicking the little dog.

The little dog cried out in pain and suddenly stood up, barking wildly at Su Yue'er!

Despite its small size, its bark was frightening!

A gloom crossed Zi Lan's face!

"What kind of place is this? How can these animals come and go as they please? What if they carry diseases? Su Yue'er, you are quite daring. It seems you are purposefully trying to frame the young lady!"

Scared to death, Su Yue'er became pale and helpless, she quickly knelt down, "Miss Jun, please understand. I had absolutely no intention of framing you!"

"Stand up, it's just a small dog. You just shoo it away."