Chapter 329: The City Gate is Blocked, Xue'er Gets Angry! _1

With that, he led his men in a rush to chase after Jun Ruoxue.

Jun Ruoxue sat in the carriage, frequently looking back.

"How is it? Have Fatty Su's men caught up?"

Zi Lan quickly reassured her on the side.

"Miss, you don't need to worry, this plan is so good, your servant predicts that Lord Su cannot resist it, we will soon get good news."

"I also believe this plan is good, but I'm still worried..."

"Shush, Miss, they've caught up!"

Zi Lan's face suddenly changed.

Jun Ruoxue furrowed her brows: "Quick! Tell the coachman to speed up the horses, we must break through the city gate as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Miss!"

The coachman hurriedly responded, and with a shout of "Go!", the horses neighed in response, and the speed of the carriage increased a few notches.

It was currently midsummer, and the sky was gradually getting brighter.

All over the street, there were people sweeping and soldiers carrying long spears on patrol.

Dawn, the time to open the city gates, was nearing!