Chapter 340: Calling Brother Chen Together? _1

She carefully wiped down his body and fetched clean clothes, meticulously dressing him before quietly lowering the bath curtain to block the outside view.

Turning around, she saw Ke'er and Shuang'er playing merrily with a pig and a dog, their laughter echoing through the air.

"Third auntie, there's a beautiful sister who asked me to notify you once you're free," Shuang'er immediately reported as Su Pan'er turned around.

"A beautiful sister? Do you mean Younger Sister Xue'er? Sure, I'll go right away. You both need to stay here and inform me immediately if anything happens. Understand?"

Su Pan'er said a few more words of caution before she left for the temporary tent where the County Magistrate was staying.

"Sister Pan'er, you're finally here. Brother Chen and I have been waiting for you. How is Scholar Qin? Is he alright?"

Upon seeing Su Pan'er come over, Jun Ruoxue hastened to greet her.