Chapter 385 Mother's Worry for Her Son's Long Journey_1

Master Uncle Cheng was slightly taken aback and immediately asked in surprise, "What happened? Is anything wrong?"

"We have to leave early tomorrow morning, by the orders of the County Magistrate, to go to Lin County to assist in the prevention and control of the smallpox outbreak."

Su Pan'er and Qin Yi glanced at each other, told him about the situation one more time: "...Therefore, this trip may take us at least one or two months, or as long as a year and a half before we can return. In the meantime, if there are any news from the Su Family, we ask Master Uncle Cheng to kindly keep us informed!"

"Don't worry, I've got this handled."

Master Uncle Cheng patted his chest to assure them.

After a day of bumping along, they bid farewell to Master Uncle Cheng and Su Pan'er and the others headed straight home.

The sky was completely dark, both of them were exhausted, and could hardly wait to return home and rest.