Chapter 422: Making a Fuss_1

"You all ... quickly get up, get up ..."

Warm tears welled up in Su Pan'er's eyes, her heart filled with both warmth and sorrow, "Don't worry! I've already sent someone to pass on the message. Aunt Zhou, Aunt Xiao, both of you don't worry. I'm sure someone will come to release you soon. Zhou Ning and Uncle Xiao, everyone will be fine ... "

Aunt Zhou and Aunt Xiao originally had nothing to do with this.

She had already entrusted someone to send a message to Jun Ruochen, asking him to find a way to rescue the unrelated people. Considering his ability, keeping these two families safe should be no problem at all.

On the contrary, it's her own parents and Ke'er ... they are truly implicated because of her!

"Mother, it's all because of Pan'er, not only did I fail to let you both enjoy your old age, but also ... "

The more Su Pan'er spoke, the more upset she became, choked by silent sobs.