Chapter 426: Seeing Off_1

Quickly, a figure rushed to the execution stage.

"Make way! All of you make way for me! You scoundrels, how dare you confine me! You'll pay for this later!"

Jun Ruoxue was whirling her whip and scolding angrily.

Upon the platform, Jun Ruochen's eyebrows furrowed tightly: "What's going on? Didn't I order you all to watch over her?"

"But, but..."

Chief Ran, at his side, stuttered: "Your servant did indeed command people to take good care of the young lady, but it seems... we failed to stop her..."

When Jun Ruoxue, the young lady, didn't lose her temper, she was still a delicate young lady.

But once her temper flares up, nobody dares to provoke her!

She pushed people aside, plowing her way right to the execution stage and called out loudly.

"Sister Pan'er! Sister Pan'er!"

She cried out to Su Pan'er, but how would the soldiers around allow her to approach Su Pan'er?

They naturally interfered and blocked her way.