Chapter 441 Are You Su Pan'er? _1

The visitor from the Su Family was a woman, a lady which Su Pan'er didn't recognize at all!

This woman was dressed in a plain white ensemble, her wide skirt trailing behind her. Her black silk hair was simply coiled into a bun, with a jade hairpin inserted diagonally. She looked simple and elegant, yet somewhat stern.

Upon seeing her, her single eyelids drooped down, her indifferent gaze sweeping over Su Pan'er, sizing her up from head to toe. After a moment, her thin lips slightly pressed together, seemingly forcing out some words from between her teeth.

"So, you're Su Pan'er? The one responsible for the death of my uncle?"

"Who is your uncle?"

Su Pan'er furrowed her brows, she had no recollection of this woman's origins.

The woman clearly didn't expect Su Pan'er to ask such a question. Her face was a picture of surprise.

"Ha, who would have thought that the once ugly duckling has grown into such a lady, her demeanor has changed as well."