Chapter 482: The Little Bean Sprout inside the Stomach is not Safe? _1

Left with no alternatives, Qin Yi mustered all his strength to protect Su Pan'er in his arms, firmly shielding her as the chunk of stone heavily crashed onto his back…

Blood oozed profusely from his back!

The massive shock hastened their fall, despite his utmost efforts to protect the woman in his arms. Pan'er nonetheless fell into unconsciousness.

Ignoring the heavy rain beating down on them, he commanded his men to find a doctor while hurriedly bringing her home, only to find her skirt stained blood red...

The doctor arrived, treated her external injuries, and shook his head, saying that there was a glimmer of hope if Lord Qin could endure the night and come to consciousness. However, as for the child, he expressed that it was beyond his powers to save.

With that, he left!

Qin Yi was dumbfounded!

Because he knew how much Pan'er shared this child!

But now...

He stubbornly searched for another doctor, but the answer was always the same!