Chapter 494 Rumors Can Kill People! _1

Su Pan'er was still pondering the critical issue when Qin Yi started to question her.

"Pan'er, what's going on?"

"Nothing much. The person who attacked last night was not one, but three."

Su Pan'er lightly covered the course of the event.

Initially, she deduced that Xiyue, who rode the skinny horse from Lianghuai, was just a pawn under the surface of Liu Zikang, intended to draw their attention. The person really planning should be someone else.

After questioning Xiyue, she found out that this was indeed the case, so she and Qin Yi set up a trap. Intentionally creating the illusion of Xiyue's disappearance may help to expose the enemy and completely find out who had attacked her initially.

Unexpectedly, three people came at once, which was really beyond their expectations.

"So it seems that two people haven't been caught yet?"

Qin Yi frowned.