Chapter 511: We Have Silver Now! _1

Su Pan'er's eyes sparkled, very pleased with Qin Yi's temperament.

Unexpectedly, he recovered so quickly from his overnight riches. This is the kind of person who is a true man.

With silver in hand and seeing the day getting late, the two naturally returned to the inn and paid for two more days of lodging.

Su Pan'er had a good sleep.

The next day she woke up to find Qin Yi not in the room. There was some food and a note left on the side table.

Turns out he had left early in the morning.

For the next two days, he left early and returned late.

It was late in the evening, and Qin Yi had yet to return. Just when Su Pan'er was growing increasingly anxious and about to go out to look for him, he finally came back!

As soon as he returned, he excitedly hugged Su Pan'er and nuzzled her face continuously.

"Pan'er, guess what? The two paintings I did were sold. Someone bought them and gave me two hundred taels of silver! We have silver now!"