Chapter 509: Even One Less Son Won't Compensate!_1

"Are you going to speak up? Why aren't you going on?"

She said this menacingly.

Seeing Qin Yi remaining silent, she glared at him a few times: "If you've nothing to say, follow me!"

Qin Yi, naturally, didn't dare to say more, so he followed her from behind.

Outside, it was already dark, and Su Pan'er was leading him through the alleyways.

Now was the beginning of winter, and as night fell, the temperature dropped sharply, causing one to shiver involuntarily.

However, it seemed as if Su Pan'er was completely unaffected, strolling enthusiastically through the streets without any signs of stopping.

Qin Yi was utterly bewildered at the sight.

"Pan'er, it's getting darker and colder. Shouldn't we go back? Tomorrow, I can have a look around the dock, perhaps..."

"You want to carry sacks?"

Su Pan'er glances at him, a teasing smile playing on her lips.

Qin Yi: "..."

Who would want to carry sacks? This was obviously the last resort.