Chapter 553: Man Sits in the Pavilion, Disaster Comes from Above_1

Is it truly a habit of hers to eat persimmons in the middle of the night – particularly seeking the soft ones to squeeze?

"And this is..."

Su Pan'er raised an eyebrow, asking Jun Ruoxue.

Jun Ruoxue wore an expression of belated realization as though she had just awoken.

"Oh, my apologies! I forgot to introduce her. This here is none other than Princess Anping, the Huang family's delicate young lady. Sister Pan'er, her presence outshines others by far. You could feel her aura from five hundred miles away, even in the wind."

A princess?

Why is there another princess here!

Corner of Su Pan'er's mouth turned up slightly in a smirk. Wasn't it said that the Huang family was one of the eight great families of officials in the capital? How did a princess emerge from that!

As she considered this in her heart, her face betrayed nothing but sincere reverence. She hastily stood up to pay her respects.