Chapter 619: Forced to Act out of Desperation_1

Who were these men that were pursuing them and where did they come from?

If they were Prince Xuan's forces, they seemed to be in small numbers. Qin Hong, knowing her skills, would never send just a few men against her!

But if they were not from Prince Xuan's forces, who sent them?

Were they aiming to capture or kill them?

With a quick stream of thoughts, she leapt into a small courtyard and continued using the dense foliage for cover.

She still playfully teased Ke'er to soothe his nerves, "After all, we are siblings, who would waste their time with such nonsense?"

"What does 'nonsense' mean?"

Ke'er struggled and finally managed to break free from Su Pan'er's grasp, "Let me go! I can walk on my own."

Su Pan'er wanted to grab him again, but after a thought, she let him be.

"We should hurry. The fire is spreading fast and I'm holding Little Yanyan. We can't delay!"

Unbeknownst to him, she was listening intently to the movements around them.