Chapter 654 Fish that slip through the net_1

"Ouch! What's the matter with you guys, huh? Why are you all so unsteady?"

She quickly pushed through the crowd, taking quite some time to shake off the people who had fallen on her!

But as she does, she feels something wet. She wipes it off on her clothes while muttering curses, but her staring eyes meet those of a lone figure in front of her.

"Wang Saner, what are you staring at? Get them out of the way. Oh my God…" she stared at Su Pan'er's face as she raised her head and in alarm, he stumbled and ran up the mountain without remembering what he had said earlier.

But Su Pan'er made no move to kill him; instead, she calmly followed at a measured pace as he fled.

He was running like a headless chicken, his only thought was to reach the top of the mountain.

As he runs, he cries out: "There are invaders on the mountain, we're under attack!"

At his shout, a gong suddenly clangs at the peak of the mountain. The mountain quickly brightened as the robbers on top were roused.