Chapter 652: Action _1

"My lord, why not send a squad of elite soldiers to carry out a surprise attack in an unexpected manner. I suppose it would prove quite effective..."

"On the contrary, I think..."

Everyone began to express their opinions, while Qin Yi quietly listened. Suddenly, Master Uncle Cheng entered the room and whispered something to Qin Yi.

Surprise flashed in Qin Yi's eyes, followed by a slight nod.

After the discussion on the war strategy paused, he promptly returned to his room, changed into civilian clothes, and discreetly left the city.

Outside the city, in a small mountain valley, a farmer wearing a straw hat and plain robe was already waiting for him. Seeing Qin Yi's hurried approach, he lifted his head and smiled.

"I'm honored you were willing to see me."

Qin Yi stopped ten steps away, narrowing his eyes as he observed the man. After a while, he also cracked a smile.