Chapter 659: What a Great Move of Drawing a Stake from under the Cauldron!_1

"Yes, commander!"

The person obliged quickly and left.

As he watched his trusted subordinate leave, Ye Han turned his head and was surprised to see His Majesty silently appearing at the corner on the left!

Ye Han was startled!

He quickly knelt to pay his respects:" Your humble servant pays his respects to Your Majesty!"

Qin Feimo kept silent and walked slowly up to Ye Han, who knelt on one knee. He looked down at Ye Han from above.

"Are you having someone investigate me?"

Although his words were spoken in a normal tone, Ye Han could sense a hint of coldness in it.

He quickly bowed his head even lower.

Bowing once more, he said:" Your Majesty, as your humble servant, I am entrusted with your safety and the security of the Shangqing Palace. It is my duty, and I dare not to overstep my bounds. I have to unravel every doubt and prevent those traitors from causing harm to Your Majesty. So..."