Chapter 662: Leaving the City_1

"Return to Jingzhao Prefecture?"

Master Uncle Cheng was quite surprised, raising his eyebrows, "You plan to go back now, why?"

"The current Emperor is in trouble, shouldn't his subjects help alleviate his worries?" Qin Yi counter-questioned.

Master Uncle Cheng shook his head, surprisingly counter-questioned him again, "Qin Yi, are you saying this sincerely?"

"Where does Master Uncle Cheng's question come from?" Qin Yi raised an eyebrow.

"It's because…"

Uncle Master Cheng halted midway through his sentence, seemingly stuck. After a moment of thought, he sighed, "Qin Yi, do you have a tiger-shaped jade pendant filled with a drop of fresh blood and an emerald green phoenix-shaped jade pendant?"

Qin Yi's heart suddenly raced!

But on the surface, he maintained his calm: "What jade pendant is Master Uncle Cheng talking about? I don't understand."

Master Uncle Cheng also furrowed his brows, looking at him for a while before speaking in a deep voice, somewhat frustrated.