Chapter 733: Loving you, deeply etched in my bone! (Part 4)_1

When her small hand left his, Ye Han felt a sense of sudden disappointment deep within his heart.

Fortunately, he was adept at maintaining a poker face, swiftly regaining composure and stated with a sense of relief, "I also feel that there's not much wrong with me. As for the cough, I suppose I'm not yet accustomed to the dry climate around here. It should get better after a few days."

Su Pan'er agreed with a nod, "However, you shouldn't push yourself too hard without giving thought to your health. Political affairs are never-ending. You should rest properly when it's time to rest. It's the only way to ensure longevity."

"Ha ha! Younger Sister Pan'er, how come you're talking exactly like Master Liao Jue? Rest assured, now that my brother-in-law is back, I can ease up a bit."

Unable to hold back a chuckle, Ye Han raised his wine cup again, "Here, let's drink to the last drop! If we don't hurry, this wine will turn cold!"