Chapter 746: Goodbye, Immortal Master Liao Jue_1

Su Pan'er took a breath, "Did Marquis Shenwu not say anything?"

"How could he possibly not say anything."

Mrs. Zhang curled her lip, "Even if Marquis Shenwu is heartbroken over his own daughter, Princess Anping has no offspring. Should the Wang Family's legitimate line be cut off? In the end, he still had to swallow his pride and let the Wang Family marry the legitimate second daughter from the Xue Family!"


Su Pan'er was speechless, picturing that delicate red figure.

"So, if you can have a child, do it as soon as possible. Women have to go through this at some point, the sooner the better."

Mrs. Zhang glanced at her, hinting at something.

Su Pan'er lowered her head, remaining silent.

She couldn't help feeling anxious. She wanted to have a child, but she didn't know why he hadn't touched her since her pregnancy with Little Yanyan. Even now, after the delivery, he hadn't made a move.

Could it be that she had really aged and lost her charm?