Chapter 748: I will never speak rashly and make you angry again_1

Qin Yi naturally noticed her movements, and his gaze darkened.

He quietly walked to the bedside, examined her carefully, seeing her pale face, his heart couldn't help but ache.

He sat down at the edge of the bed, taking her hand, feeling her still by his side.

"Are you still mad at me? Pan'er, it's all my fault, I made you suffer! As long as you get better, we'll be fine. From now on, how you want to raise Yan Yan is up to you, I swear I won't interfere! Please believe me this once, okay?"

He had fallen asleep in the study after drinking last night. In the morning, he wanted to explain to Pan'er, but he had to rush to the morning court session, so he had to leave in a hurry. After the session, he found out Pan'er had gone to Da Ci'en Temple, his heart immediately sank. He wanted to rush to Da Ci'en Temple immediately, but he was caught up in urgent matters with Ye Han, so he had to leave the city with him.