Chapter 1064 Assassination

At this moment, Qin Yi's party on the carriage had two secret guards, while four more were hidden by their side.

In total, six people were facing the onslaught of a force ten times their number! Each person felt an unbearable weight in their heart.

But there was no room for retreat now. They quickly gathered together, forming a protective circle around the carriage. Someone suddenly launched a loud firework into the sky, making a huge bang.

Different rockets served different purposes. The ones they sent skyward were specifically for signaling distress. These rockets were usually very effective, but today was different!

Recently, as New Year festivities commenced, His Majesty had ordered that the people should share in the joy. The Imperial City celebrated fifteen days without curfew, reveling throughout the night.

The constant crackle of firecrackers and fireworks filled the air, with flashes of fireworks and loud reports of crackers going off everywhere.