However, she did not understand why the Wife of King Qin would give her silver for no reason at all, and build her a house in Lingbei to let her earn money, without taking a single share of the profits. What on earth was the reason for this?
The brothel madam was also shrewd. Silver was good, but she wouldn't dare earn it if there was something wrong with it.
"Hehe, Royal Consort's regard for this old body is both flattering and surprising, but... Hehe... Forgive my frankness, but why would you do this?"
"Because I want to develop a business empire in Lingbei, and women are the greatest motivator for attracting men to invest and build there. Does that answer satisfy you?"
She did not say it was to abolish the cutting ritual among the Meng slaves by rampantly developing the sex industry in Meng territory, but instead talked about developing the Meng economy and using the brothel to drive economic growth in Meng.