Chapter 14 Extraordinary Medical Skills_1

Xu Song was livid, seeing that an ignorant yokel on the side dared to disparage a doctor like himself who held a master's degree. A country bumpkin, who dared to not take him seriously?

With an unnatural twitch at the corners of his mouth, he disdainfully looked at Zhang Xian, sneering, "Little Thief, seems like you're rather confident?"

Xu Li also wore a disdainful look on her face. If he were truly capable, would he be dressed so shabbily?

"Zhang Xian, what are you trying to do?" Zhu Qing seemed worried.

Zhang Xian ignored the disdain from Xu Song and Xu Li, as well as Zhu Qing's question, and calmly looked at Qian Bo.

"Are you really sure?" Qian Bo asked with a furrowed brow.

"Absolutely," Zhang Xian nodded. "Furthermore, if we don't provide timely treatment, this old man's life will be in danger."

"Alright, I'll take the risk, but you must be certain of your abilities. If anything happens to the Old Man, you will bear full responsibility." Qian Bo looked at Zhang Xian with a serious expression.

Zhang Xian nodded, took out a pack of Golden Needles from his 'pocket', walked over to the old man sitting by the table, and without removing his clothes, quickly inserted three Golden Needles into the old man's acupoints.

The sight scared Qian Bo, and his eyes widened in shock.

Zhu Qing, Xu Song, Xu Li, Zheng Jun – all reacted similarly. As regardless of not removing his clothes when treating the patient, Zhang Xian did not even disinfect his needles.

Disinfection was required before acupuncture, wasn't it common sense? After all, those long needles would be inserted into a person's body.

"Humph, this guy is nothing more than a dunce," Xu Song scoffed coldly.

Xu Li also wore a look of contempt. In their eyes, Zhang Xian's lack of medical knowledge was evident, it seemed like he was merely putting on a display. The unfortunate old man may lose his life because of Zhang Xian's actions.

"Zhang Xian, you…" Zhu Qing was extremely worried.

Her grandfather was a traditional Chinese medicine physician and she had some understanding of acupuncture. It was impossible to perform a successful acupuncture procedure without removing a person's clothes first like Zhang Xian did.

Although the distribution of acupoints on a person's body were the same, people varied in heights and body sizes. Even experienced doctors were not audacious enough to insert needles into a person without having them remove their clothes first.

"This guy…" Qian Bo didn't stop Zhang Xian, but watched him anxiously.

Zhu Qing, Xu Song, and Xu Li only saw the surface. Qian Bo was different, he could see the extraordinary in Zhang Xian.

From the outside, Zhang Xian's tactics were indeed baffling, but his needle insertion was quick, steady, and accurate, revealing supreme confidence.

Qian Bo felt that this young man seemed to possess exceptional abilities. However, he had no idea whether the old man, Sun, could be safely treated.

Zhang Xian paid no attention to the various reactions of the people around him, instead, he was wholly engrossed in inserting the needles. In less than a minute, the old man's body was covered in Golden Needles.

Zhang Xian had the ability of divine mind as an aid. With a complete human body pattern appearing in his mind, did he need to remove his clothes? Each needle was injected with spiritual energy, did he need to disinfect beforehand?

From the outsider's perspective, his actions were ludicrous. But he knew that unless someone was in the same profession, no medical professional could compete with him the Cultivator.

"Ah… what's happening?" Suddenly, Zhu Qing shrieked.

Qian Bo, Zheng Jun, Xu Li, and Xu Song also frowned, looking at the old man in surprise.

Under Zhang Xian's acupuncture, the old man's body began to turn red at an alarming pace. His skin resembled a newly born red-skinned rat's, as if all the blood had rushed to the surface of his skin.

"Thank god, it's not beyond control yet." Zhang Xian revealed a small smile upon seeing this.

Approximately thirty seconds later, he exhaled a breath of impure air, quickly removed the golden needles from the old man's body, and stored them back in the small pouch.

At this moment, the old man's body slowly started regaining its normal color and soon, he looked like a normal person again.

"Is that it?" Qian Bo tensely asked.

"Yes, he is okay now." After putting away the last Golden Needle, Zhang Xian nodded and smiled.

Upon hearing these words, Qian Bo's heart, which he had held in his mouth, finally settled. Zheng Jun was also relieved, his tense body visibly relaxed.

"Um, just like that?" Xu Song didn't believe it, "Are you trying to deceive us? Do you think those few pricks you just made could cure the old man? Why hasn't he woken up by now?"

Qian Bo and Zheng Jun also looked at Zhang Xian. The rescue operation seemed over, but the old man was still lying motionless on the table. His complexion didn't look any better than before either.

"Zhang Xian, what do you mean by this?" Zhu Qing stared at Zhang Xian, her eyes filled with anger.

He was nothing more than a ruffian, how could he possess any medical skills? What's more, the old man looked just as he did before, with no improvement.

"Hehe, Little Thief, start preparing for a lawsuit!" Xu Song stole a glance at the old man, then walked towards Zhang Xian with a cold, derisive smile.

Zhang Xian ignored Xu Song, walked to a table and sat down, looking somewhat weary. The earlier rescue drained a lot from him considering he was only at Tier Five Body Refinement Realm – it was quite challenging and mentally exhausting.

"Hmm hmm…" A few moments later, sirens went off outside – the ambulance had finally arrived.

Actually, they came rather quickly – within almost ten minutes. But for a sick person, every second was vital, even a quick response would not necessarily guarantee they came in time.

"Is there a patient here?" A doctor, accompanied by a nurse, quickly entered the shop.

Seeing Xu Song, his face changed color and he quickly greeted him with a smile, "Doctor Xu, you're here too? Who's the patient here?"

"Old Hu, ah!" Xu Song laughed, "The patient is over there. Go check his condition. Some ignorant fool treated him earlier, but we haven't seen any signs of improvement yet."

"What? Someone has meddled with the patient?" Doctor Liu was shocked. He angrily said, "Who was it? When I received the call, the person didn't say the patient might have had a stroke?"

"What, a stroke?" Xu Song widened his eyes in shock.

Zhu Qing and Xu Li were also startled. Zhang Xian didn't say anything before, and they had no idea about the serious condition of the old man.

Upon finding out that it might be a stroke, they were taken aback. That overconfident fool, Zhang Xian, actually dared to treat a stroke patient?

Xu Li quickly regained her composure, adopting an attitude of watching a scandal unfold.

Zhu Qing was not doing so well, her face had lost all color, looking as white as a sheet of paper. If something were to happen to Zhang Xian today, how was she going to explain it to her grandfather?

"Damnit…" Doctor Liu glared at Zhang Xian, "Who let you touch the patient? If anything happens to him, can you bear that responsibility? Can you afford to compensate?"

"Of course I can. Also, since you know it's a stroke, you should also know that if I hadn't acted promptly, the old man's life would be in danger, right?" Zhang Xian said with a grin.

"Humph, although strokes are dangerous, it can be less severe, how do you know the old man couldn't bear it?" Xu Song scoffed.

At that moment, a coughing sound echoed across the room. The old man sat up weakly and said, "Thank you young man for your prompt action, you just saved my life."