Chapter 18: The sad old wandering doctor_1

Yujing City, one of the most upscale and luxurious villa districts in TianDu City. Those who owned a villa here were certainly rich or noble.

Zhang Xian walked into the residential area, silently shocked. It seemed that this pretty girl was actually a little rich woman.

The old man, filled with excitement that was written all over his face, followed the girl. When he turned his head to look at Zhang Xian, his face hardened as he pondered how to eliminate this competition.

The big fish absolutely cannot end up in the mouth of this Little Thief.

"Please come in."

Standing in front of a white, four-story villa, Dong Qian invited them in with a smile after opening the door.

Zhang Xian and the elderly wanderer nodded and walked into the villa in succession.

In the living room, a middle-aged man sat on the sofa, his brows furrowed as he watched the dining room. He couldn't help but shake his head.

In the dining room, a beautiful woman with an attractive figure was hungrily devouring a whole chicken without any decorum, much like a beggar.

A woman next to her frowned, wanting to snatch away the chicken in the beautiful woman's hand, but she didn't dare.

"Dad, I'm back." After walking into the living room, Dong Qian said with a smile, "And I even brought two doctors. Maybe they can cure mom's strange illness."

"Doctors?" Dong Tianchen turned his head. Seeing Zhang Xian and the old man's attire, his eyebrows deeply furrowed.

An old man dressed in traditional Chinese clothes, holding a small fan in his hand and a wooden stool hung around his waist. A youth dressed in ragged clothes, also holding a small fan...

This, this appearance... It's so similar to The Wandering Martial Doctor? No, they are The Wandering Martial Doctors indeed. His daughter actually brought two such people?

The Wandering Martial Doctor stood helplessly in the living room, totally ignoring Dong Tianchen's scrutinizing gaze.

As an experienced adventurer in life, he had his own unique ways to deceive. At this moment, he must contain his fear and give others a mysterious feeling, which was the key to his manner.

"What can you do?" Dong Tianchen asked.

"Are you asking me?" The Wandering Martial Doctor looked at Dong Tianchen and asked with a smile.

"Not just you, both of you. Now tell me."

"Sir, I think you got it wrong." The Wandering Martial Doctor's face grew cold, "You need to remember, I am here to save lives, so it's you who needs me, not the other way around. You better adjust your attitude."

Dong Tianchen was stunned by the old man's words. This guy seems to have some swagger! Could it be that he does have extraordinary skills?

Zhang Xian was also surprised at the high pitch of the Wandering Martial Doctor's words that made Dong Tianchen falter. He indeed was an experienced river doctor, knowing well how to handle people's heart, simply a deadly tactic.

When he turned his head to see the beautiful woman in the dining room, his face showed a slight change. As he had suspected, the woman was not sick at all.

"Ah..." Suddenly, a scream broke out.

The moment Shen Jialin saw Zhang Xian, she screeched hysterically, like a mouse seeing a cat, "Get out, you get out of here, get him out of here!"

Upon witnessing this scene, the faces of Dong Tianchen and Dong Qian changed dramatically, and they rushed to the dining room.

Shen Jialin got sick again, and this time, it seemed to be worse than before. Her face was horribly twisted.

"Ah! What are you doing? Get him out!" The beautiful woman retreated in fear, pointing at Zhang Xian and yelling hysterically.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Dong Qian rushed over to hold Shen Jialin.

"Let go of me." Shen Jialin turned around and pushed Dong Qian away with tremendous force.

Dong Tianchen also tried to hold Shen Jialin. However, he was unable to hold her down, and several times, he was almost thrown out by her. A woman with such massive strength.

"Ah, don't come here..." Shen Jialin broke free from Dong Tianchen's hold and, fearing them, quickly ran upstairs, stumbling and crawling.

Upon seeing this, Dong Tianchen called to the woman standing on the side, to swiftly follow.

"Old man, do you have any solution?" Zhang Xian asked with a smile.

"I..." The Wandering Martial Doctor was unsure, he hadn't seen this kind of strange disease before. The woman seemed very afraid of the young man from earlier.

However, would he admit defeat? The answer was definitely, "I clearly have a solution, but the patient seems quite unstable at the moment. We'll have to wait until she has calmed down a bit."

"I…I…my mother is sick again, do…do any of you have a solution?" Dong Qian asked Zhang Xian and the Wandering Martial Doctor.

Although she was asking both Zhang Xian and the Wandering Martial Doctor, her gaze constantly lingered on the old man. Zhang Xian by her side was automatically ignored by her.

Moreover, her mother seemed to very much despise Zhang Xian, which was something that had never happened before. Although her mother would get sick, she wouldn't excessively resent someone or be afraid.

"I advise you, it's better not to go up there. You could get hurt, even die," Zhang Xian warned the Wandering Martial Doctor from the side.

"Humph, Little Thief, are you doubting my ability?" The Wandering Martial Doctor shot back at Zhang Xian, then turned to Dong Qian and said, "Miss, you just lead the way."

Dong Qian frowned slightly at Zhang Xian, then nodded and led the Wandering Martial Doctor upstairs quickly.

"This idiot." Seeing the old man's defiance, Zhang Xian shook his head with a bitter smile.

Soon, Dong Qian came back down. Dong Tianchen and the woman also came down with her. This meant that only the Wandering Martial Doctor and the sick beautiful woman were left upstairs.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Xian asked with a furrowed brow, "Why did you come back down? You left that old man alone up there?"

"He didn't want us to stay upstairs." Dong Qian replied.

"Oh, there's going to be trouble." Zhang Xian slapped his forehead and said with a bitter laugh.

Dong Tianchen, Dong Qian and the woman looked puzzled. Trouble? What did he mean? Wasn't The Wandering Martial Doctor just going to see the patient? And after they went upstairs, Shen Jialin seemed considerably quieter.

"Ah…Save me…"

Just when Dong Qian and others were puzzled, a scream and sounds of fighting suddenly came from upstairs.

A terrible scream echoed from upstairs. It was quite evident that the Wandering Martial Doctor was having a hard time and was being tortured in an inhuman way upstairs.

"What's happening?" Dong Tianchen and the others were shocked and turned to look.

"Damn it, what do you mean? Is this how you deceive people? That woman is not suffering from any strange disease, she's a fucking lunatic! She attacked me rudely. If I hadn't been quick and learned a few moves in my youth, I would have lost my life here today." The Wandering Martial Doctor rushed down from upstairs, looking utterly miserable.

In just a short while, the man who had been full of spirit, now had a face full of scratches, caused by fingernails. His decent-looking traditional attire was now torn and hung from his body like rags.

"How could this happen?" Dong Tianchen, Dong Qian, and the woman were startled. Did the Wandering Martial Doctor fight with Shen Jialin? And was actually beaten?