Chapter 20 Someone plays dirty_1

In a villa, inside a certain room.

A middle-aged man in a robe was sitting on the couch watching television.

"Pfft... how is it possible? My evil spirit..."

At some moment, the middle-aged man's face suddenly changed drastically. After spitting out a mouthful of fresh blood, he stood up in horror and looked in a certain direction.


In the splendid Huacheng, inside the living room of a certain white villa.

Zhang Xian had been upstairs for quite a while, and from time to time, ghastly screams and sounds of fighting could be heard from above.

However, warned by Zhang Xian, Dong Tianchen, Dong Qian, and Mrs. Dong wanted to go upstairs to take a look, but they dared not rush up recklessly and cause a catastrophe.

"Hmph, I don't believe that guy can do it."

The old traveling doctor stayed, wanting to see how things would turn out. According to his estimation, Shen Jialin's strength was formidable, and the soft and tender-looking Zhang Xian could not possibly be his match.