Chapter 39 Who Do I Care You Are?_1

Zhu Qing noticed the lecherous expression of the newcomer and was disgusted, promptly putting some distance between them.

Spotting this, several young men walked over and stood in front of the newcomer, glaring at them with annoyance.

"What do you want? What are you going to do?" The newcomer, who was none other than Tan Xiaofu, bristled with aggressive energy as he demanded angrily, "Do you know who the hell I am? You're planning to beat me up?"

"I don't care who you are!" a young man shouted back angrily. "So what if you've stumbled into our box? You think you can swagger about here?"

"Shit..." Tan Xiaofu grabbed the young man by the scruff of his neck, roaring, "Who the hell am I? My fucking father is Tan Yaowei, so who the fuck am I?"

"Tan Yaowei?" The young man's face displayed confusion.

The other young men felt the same. They had no idea who Tan Yaowei was and he didn't seem to be a celebrity, so what basis did this newcomer have to act so arrogantly?