Chapter 64: First Bring 100 Pounds of Meat_1

In the region of Lijiang, Tiandu City, land is worth its weight in gold. Anyone who owns a villa here must be either wealthy or noble.

Among the clusters of lavish villas, Bishui Villa is the most renowned. Spanning nearly ten acres, the sprawling grounds sit at the highest point next to the Lijiang, commanding an optimal geographical position akin to a landmark building.

Upon entry, the estate is teeming with verdant grass and exotic fragrant flowers that remain year-round. Flanking the concrete path are winding stone pathways. There is a clump of bamboo with a spring water fountain artfully placed amongst rock formations.

Further in lies a grandiose villa done in a touch of European style. Rising from its surroundings, it glows resplendently like a palace.

In a room inside the villa, an elderly man with white hair but a lively spirit smokes a cigar as he lounges on a high-end leather sofa.