Chapter 122 Will You Marry Me?_1

Upon seeing Zhang Xian approach, Mo Shaoyun instinctively retreated.

Upon discovering her bracelet, she felt as if she had been caught stealing, her sense of worry and fear of the unknown causing her to panic.

"What's going on?" Zhang Xian reached for Mo Shaoyun's hand and was about to put the bracelet on her.

Mo Shaoyun pulled back her hand and asked, "What are you doing? I don't want you to put it on me, give it back to me."

Zhang Xian was confused, "Why don't you wear the bracelet after picking it up? Could it be that you picked it up out of spite, or do you think the bracelet isn't beautiful?"

Mo Shaoyun shook her head, "No, but I don't want to wear it."

"Here, put it on."

"I won't."

"Come on, sweetheart, put it on let me see."

"I won't."

Zhang Xian was a bit angry, he took a step forward without warning and kissed Mo Shaoyun on the lips.

"Uh…" Mo Shaoyun froze.