Chapter 166: Want to harm this Lord? _1

Du Xinyan shot a glance at Zhang Xian, and then turned on her heels, her face flushed bright pink as she clutched her books and beat a hasty retreat.

This rascal. It was a sunny day, and he dared to strut around bare-chested in the school. Was he out of his mind?


Zhang Xian was somewhat speechless upon seeing Du Xinyan's disdainful look before she left.

He didn't exactly plan to strut around shirtless either; it was simply a result of his shirt being snatched by Wen Yulan and then abruptly chucked out. Where was he supposed to find a replacement so quickly? Plus, since when did it become unusual for a man to be bare-chested?

"Women, always so dramatic."

With a dismissive snort, Zhang Xian sauntered off towards his classroom with a carefree swagger, a cigarette dangling nonchalantly from his lips.