Chapter 168: Tao Jinbao's Family Conflict_1

The room was in chaos.

Three middle-aged men inside — one sitting on the couch, one holding Wen Yulan by the hair, and another holding a little girl in his arms.

Wen Yulan's clothes had been torn, revealing her fair skin. There was a fresh, red handprint on her face.

The little girl held by a man was crying relentlessly.

Seeing the scene before him, anger surged up from the bottom of Zhang Xian's heart. His fists clenched with a creak. These guys dared to treat a beautiful teacher this way. Unforgivable.

"You again..." The man sitting on the couch suddenly leapt up, instinctively retreating.

After a while, seeing that nobody else was coming, he felt more at ease. He didn't mind Zhang Xian, considering the absence of the previous three guys.

"Zhang Xian..." When Wen Yulan saw Zhang Xian, she couldn't hold back her tears any longer.