Chapter 188 Where to Stay Tonight? _1

When he had left Du Xinyan's house, it was already eleven at night.

Upon some thought, Zhang Xian didn't feel like going home yet. So, he kept walking until he found himself at the base of the rental building where Duan Hong lived.

"Damn, how did I end up here? Do I have feelings for Duan Hong?"

Zhang Xian looked up and saw that the light in her room was still on. After some hesitation down below, he eventually went upstairs fast, walked to the door, and knocked.

After a while, Duan Hong opened the door and peeked out nervously.

Zhang Xian, who was about to leave since the door wasn't opened for a long time, saw Duan Hong stick her head out like she was hiding from a thief. Confused, he asked, "Elder Sister Hong, are you on thief watch? Why are you so nervous?"

"Ah... it's you!" Duan Hong gave an awkward smile and said, "Sorry, I thought..."

Zhang Xian asked, "You're in trouble again?"