Chapter 203 Zhang Xian's Anger_1

After picking the heartfruit, Zhang Xian didn't flee but instead turned back to the water pool.

The monster saw Zhang Xian had taken the heartfruit, became furious, and began bellowing in rage. After emerging several meters out of the surface, it charged towards Zhang Xian.

"Crap, this thing has gone berserk." Zhang Xian's lips twitched unnaturally. After avoiding the monster's attacks, he said to Zhu Yan and the others, "What are you guys still doing here? Why aren't you leaving?"

His classmates came to their senses and immediately turned tail and ran.

They also noticed the monster seemed to have gone berserk with its deafening roar nearly causing their eardrums to shatter.

"Zhang Xian..." Zhu Yan didn't leave.

Seeing this, Du Xinyan hurriedly held on to Zhu Yan, "Let's go! It's dangerous here."

"I'm not leaving..." Zhu Yan stubbornly faced Zhang Xian.