Chapter 222 News from Elder Sister Hong_1

The street was dimly lit.

Two figures darted back and forth under the street light, indistinguishably fast to a bizarre degree.


Jiao Long was somewhat irritated. He couldn't believe he was unable to defeat a youngster.

"An Innate master really is an Innate master."

Zhang Xian was also struggling in the fight, his many attempts to suppress Jiao Long ended in failure. With not much difference in their power levels, he couldn't establish a clear advantage.

"Ha ha...Old man, what do you mean by this? Are you bullying the weak?"

Suddenly, a black figure emerged not far away, blending in with the darkness, barely distinguishable. But his voice was clear.

"Damn..." Upon hearing the voice, Jiao Long's face changed drastically, and without hesitation, he turned and fled.

"Not so fast." Zhang Xian chased after him.

The shadow in the dark also dashed out, trying to stop Jiao Long.