Chapter 242: If left alone, chaos will ensue_1

It was late autumn, unlike Yantai, where it was spring all year round, a cold wind was whipping through Tiandu, causing the skin to tingle.

After a busy day, Mo Shaoyun and Xiao Nan returned home, took off their coats, and sat down on the sofa.

After nearly three months of hectic work, the initial construction of Lingxiao Villa was almost completed, with only the final decoration work remaining. At this pace, it would be completed early next year.

After stretching, Xiao Nan laughed, "Shaoyun, we have to hand it to Buckteeth Zhou, he did a solid job. Such a massive project only took over two months."

Mo Shaoyun nodded, "Well, with the large number of people in the two construction teams working hard, the speed is not too fast. The weather has been good recently, with hardly any suspensions in work. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been so quick."

Xiao Nan nodded, turning on the TV.