Chapter 296: Who's Touching My Butt?_1

Wen Yulan saw Zhang Xian acting decent just a moment ago, and then became frivolously cheeky again, overflowing with flirtatious remarks. It made her furious.

Can't this guy go a day without teasing me? Can't he live without it?

She shot Zhang Xian a fierce look, then turned her head away, refusing to entertain him. This guy is crossing the line. After all, she was once his teacher. How could he act like this?

Zhang Xian nudged Wen Yulan and asked, "Elder Sister Yulan, what's the matter? Why aren't you looking at me?"

"Why... why should I look at you?" Wen Yulan struggled to reply.

Zhang Xian said, "I'm so handsome, of course you should look at me! The reason I'm so handsome is precisely for you to look at me! If you don't look, wouldn't I have been handsome for nothing all these years?"

"You... I..." Wen Yulan was exasperated.

Can this guy stop being so narcissistic? Doesn't he know that this kind of behavior induces second-hand embarrassment?