Chapter 301 Once a day, a day for once_1

In TianDu City, within a villa of the Dong Family.

Mo Shaoyun, Xiao Nan, Zhu Qing, Zhu Yan, Li Peichi—the five women, were taken aback as they saw Zhang Xian bringing along three beauties.

What is this man up to? Is he trying to defy heavens? There are seven in total, right?

"I... I think I should go back!" Wen Yulan picked up Yueyue, gathered her luggage, and prepared to leave.

"Don't leave." Zhang Xian pulled Wen Yulan back and smilingly said to Mo Shaoyun and the other women, "Ladies, these three sisters will be staying here for a while, I hope you don't mind."

Mo Shaoyun's face was as cold as frost that never melts, and the room seemed to have gotten several degrees colder.

She previously led Wen Yulan and Duan Hong to Tiandu, and now, he was bringing people directly to their home. She wondered if she had been too accommodating; Zhang Xian was getting more and more lawless.