Chapter 312: Ah, Going to Fly _1

That night, in the living room of a certain small building in Sunset Town.

Several women sat on the sofa, their faces filled with frustration. They had been looking forward to a feast today, but someone had ruined it for them.

Of course, they didn't blame Zhang Xian, but they had indeed run into some bad luck today. Although Zhang Xian insisted afterwards that it was fine, they still chose to go home.

"I'm going to take a bath first," Mu Cheng got up and went upstairs.

But soon, she ran back down, saying, "Zhang Xian, come up with me, I need your help with something."

Zhang Xian turned his head, "What is it?"

Mu Cheng said, "Just come when I ask you to, why ask so many questions?"

Zhang Xian nodded and followed her upstairs.

Once on the balcony, Mu Cheng spoke awkwardly, "My… my clothes got blown onto the tree, can you help me get them down?"

Zhang Xian asked, puzzled, "Where?"

Mu Cheng pointed at a spot and said, "Over… over there, see?"